Summer can be excruciating for your skin. The blazing sun’s scorching heat, coming into contact with your skin, can trigger many skin problems. Not to mention, pollution and other ecological impurities also take a toll on your skin’s health by leaving it dull, oily, and blemished.
Additionally, a constant rise in the temperatures during the summer season, merged with heat and humidity, tends to increase the activity in your sebaceous glands. As a result, if you have oily skin, it will appear oilier. And if your skin is dry, it will make your skin look dry, rough, and patchy.
Moreover, if you directly come into contact with the sun’s rays, your skin will also start producing melanin pigments, which becomes a significant factor behind the tanning of your skin. However, the buck doesn’t stop here; the heat coming from the summer sun can also result in opening extra pores on your skin. With these extra pores, your skin will start accumulating dirt and oil, further causing pimples, acne, and harmful bacteria trappings.
To save you from all these skin problems that you can knowingly and unknowingly give birth to, here are everyday skin care tips that will make your skin look young and radiant.
1. Start With Adding Antioxidants to Your Skincare Routine
As summer approaches, the first thing you should do is invest in a worthy antioxidant serum for your skin. It will help your skin retain its moisture and provide your skin with a protective layer from environmental impurities. Additionally, it enhances collagen production and will protect your skin from any further damage.

It will work as great advice in perfectly taking care of any combination of skin(dry or oily) during the summer season. Also, don’t forget to include antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables in your skincare routine by absorbing them directly from your diet. Stock up fruits rich in vitamin C, green tea, leafy vegetables, whole grains, and nuts as they help to achieve radiant and younger-looking skin.

2. Apply a Mask to Keep Your Skin Hydrated
Keep in mind that in the summer season, your skin demands extra moisture along with hydration as compared to any other season. Start with buying a good hydrating mask that you can apply to your skin at least twice a week. To have better effects, wash your face at night and apply the mask; it will not only repair your skin but also soothe and rehydrate your skin.

Additionally, applying a mask can treat a number of skin conditions like acne, dryness, oiliness, and so on. Pick a suitable mask for your skin, and use those extra 10 minutes to scrub away the fatigue, stress, and blemishes from your skin.

3. Exfoliate Regularly to Achieve a Blemish Free Skin
To achieve smooth, blemish-free skin, regularly exfoliating your skin is a must. It assists you in removing all the dead cells and piled-up impurities from your skin. However, if you don’t clear debris from your skin, it will be unable to receive the required oxygen since the dust/debris can make it hard to breathe
You can also exfoliate with easy to apply home remedies, such as coffee grounds mixed with sea salt and oil. Another significant benefit of exfoliating is that you can use it to your whole body and not only on the skin of your face.

4. Make Sure You Drink Plenty of Water
The summer season demands you to drink a good amount of water every day. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water, and if you are out, don’t forget to carry a water bottle with you. Moreover, water helps your skin from the inside by flushing out all the harmful toxins from your body.

5. Start Applying Less Makeup
In the summer season, try to apply as little makeup as possible on your face. It’s because, during these months, your skin needs to breathe more as it is continuously bombarded with hot and humid weather.

With this simple yet effective skincare routine, you can get glowing and natural-looking skin throughout the day. However, if you have no other choice and at least you have to apply foundation, opt for a tinted moisturizer with SPF and coat it with face powder to prevent any patchy spots.

6. Never Miss a Day at the Gym
Summer heat, humidity, and sweat may try to keep you away from the gym, but do not fall into their trap. Because working out is a great way to keep your skin looking fresh and young. But, most of us fall into the trap of laziness and try to find excuses to skip a workout session.
So, when you work out, you are improving the flow of blood in your body, which in return helps your skin cells in getting more oxygen from your blood. Consequently, your body repairs and heals any tissue damage caused by acne or sunburn when you were out in the sun.
If working out in a gym is not your cup of tea, you can try enrolling in salsa dance classes or any other kind of physical activity you always wanted to try. Any type of exercise is suitable for both your skin and health.

7. Work Hard and Rest Harder
The one thing your body will always need to repair your skin is a good night’s sleep. Hence, it becomes more vital for you to maintain a regular schedule that will not affect your time to rest. Additionally, it becomes crucial in the summer seasons because days are long, and as a result, you have to be active for longer hours during the day. Besides, being exposed to the sun for a long time can make your skin look dull and simultaneously increase the signs of ageing.
Getting at least eight hours of sleep at night will lower the signs of ageing, improve your skin quality, and make you look younger and more attractive.

To Sum it Up
To properly take care of your skin in the summer season, you have to make a little extra effort. Even so, it is not a complex task to achieve. With the help of this ultimate skincare guide, you can effectively take care of your skin and make yourself look fresh and attractive even on the hottest day of the year.

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