Job interviews and first dates can feel eerily similar – we want to give the best impression of ourselves for both, hope the opposing party likes us, and know that while rejection is possible, it’s never pleasant to go through.
Of course, just like a job interview, the best thing to do is to give yourself a positive account of who you are, to be honest, to be enthusiastic, and to not overthink it. After all, you can still enjoy a date, or still learn from a job interview even if it doesn’t lead to anything. Moreover “failure” isn’t necessarily a bad thing, after all, learning where not to go in life is a blessing as much as its opposite.
Now we have all the philosophizing out the way, let’s consider how you might prepare your outfit for the best possible first date. This way, you can greet the other person as your most confident, dynamic self, and show them a great time:
Where Are You Going?
Of course, instead of worrying about dressing perfectly for the other person, it’s best to consider what the date will entail. You don’t want to wear a tuxedo to a walk in the park, after all. If you’re going out to eat spicy food, then looser-fitting clothing that still looks smart can be great, and darker tones, in case you accidentally spill a little, can be tactical. Smart casual is often best, but don’t be afraid to jazz it up with a couple of accessories of note. Most importantly – don’t dress outside of who you are, being authentic and comfortable is so much better.

Keep It Simple & Well Fitted
Often, clothes look better when they’ve been put together with a simple view of cohesiveness. For example, Alden indy boots can look great with some simple formal trousers and a shirt, perhaps with a watch for decoration. Most of all, it’s important to make sure these clothes are appropriately fitted to you. Without this, even the most expensive outfit can seem unwieldy, and not something you would prefer to wear. It’s essential to be calm and careful, and t

Compliment Your Characteristics
Just as you’ll likely try to be as warm, accommodating, friendly, and receptive as your personality can possibly offer during a date, it’s nice to compliment your characteristics through dress. Pick colours that fit your skin tone and eye colour, and you can always trim your beard or have your hair cut a few days before the event. Try a nice cologne or perfume that works for you (but not too much!) and don’t be afraid to layer up – a calm walk on the waterfront after a meal can become colder than you think, even if it is spontaneous. Moreover, offering your coat to your date can provide a sense of real care and courtesy.
With this advice, you’ll see that however, you dress for a date, showing the best of who you really are is going to be the best possible path forward.

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