Bursting with practical and relatable advice, this book injects enthusiasm, energy and some much-needed humour into the essential task of de-cluttering. Forget the holier-than-thou approach promising a whole new you if you alphabetise your sock drawer – this is decluttering for real people, with real lives.
With a refreshingly honest approach, Debora tackles the best ways to deal with domestic dilemmas, cluttered kitchens and crowded cupboards. She includes handy tips and tricks for the average time-poor person. Tasks are broken down into achievable goals and ‘quick fixes’, allowing even the busiest of people to create, maintain and achieve a tidy home.
And it’s not just the home she tackles. Debora helps you banish anxiety and kick-start productivity with ’10 de-cluttering commandments‘ and includes honest advice on how to conquer the
fear of change.
The busy writer, who has transformed her own cluttered home and mind using these techniques, also explores how best to unclutter your virtual world, from managing social media accounts to balancing email mailing lists.
Biographical Notes
With a background in cookery and gardening, Debora has written guest articles for major publications including the Guardian, the Independent and the Telegraph. Debora also runs her own blog, Licked Spoon, which covers all things food, drink, gardening and home.
Investment: £12.99
Website: Octopusbooks.co.uk

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