After 16 years of running her own wellness business, DMO founder Nina was diagnosed with fibroids and her life changed. Gone from being a powerhouse businesswoman often featured in the glossies, Nina was living with debilitating symptoms and clinical obesity.
After completing medical treatment to shrink the fibroids, Nina knew she had to make long-lasting lifestyle changes to reduce her chances of them recurring, but she struggled to stay consistent, often neglecting her own self-care for those demands from her young family and business.
And so DMO was born.
Daily Method of Operation, DMO, is a lifestyle in a planner. As a busy mum of three, Nina wanted the DMO system to offer a way for others to focus on the day-to-day and maximise positive self-serving activities. She goes on to say ‘You build your success cycles day by day and week on week. You evolve, wanting more and more to enjoy the new changes you are seeing in your life. Allowing you to create more success in your life.’
The DMO Wellness Action Planner is a soft-back vegan leather journal with 100% recycled paper inners. There are guided self-care activities for each month, a journaling area, and goal setting all founded on proven positive psychological training.
But what sets the DMO Wellness Action Planner apart from the competition is its unique points system to track your daily and weekly progress to help you stay on target and in a high-energy state. The goals are micro-goals, making them achievable and actionable, and empowering a system of self-management.
DMO is focused on encouraging the basic abilities to look after your physical and mental health. The unique points system allows you to challenge yourself, whilst also improving mind and body wellness, reducing social media anxiety, and creating consistency.
Over time, Nina hopes that the DMO will reduce the feelings of overwhelm about everyday life. She has a saying ‘If it’s not in my planner it won’t get done. This is because now I don’t carry everything I have to do on my mind. Getting to off-load away from digital notifications supports a positive wellness state.’
A tried and tested system to work for over 180 days, the DMO covers many diverse topics. There’s mind mapping, positive mindset practises, graded exposure, breathing exercises, off-loading, and so much more. And it’s super affordable making it accessible to all.
With £1 of each purchase going to support the Young Minds charity, you can help support others while supporting your own journey.

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