Are you thinking of going organic, but need a little more convincing? Yes – then you are in the right place. Regardless of your diet and types of dishes, you like to cook, going organic is an excellent choice to make for you and your family. It might be a little more expensive, but going organic has many benefits, both for you and the environment.
Choosing only to buy, grow and cook organic foods is an excellent way to protect yours and your family’s health. As well as the health of the planet – all those nasty chemicals and pesticides aren’t good for the environment.
If, however, you still aren’t sure about going organic, make sure to have a read of this. Here are the top reasons why you should seriously consider going organic:
Avoid ingesting nasty chemicals
Choosing to go organic is the only way you can avoid ingesting all the nasty chemicals in commercially grown fruits and vegetables. You might think that giving any fruits and veggies a quick wash before eating them will do the trick, but sadly it doesn’t. The only way to avoid ingesting chemicals and pesticides is to eat organically.
Get more nutrients
Believe it or not, eating organic foods allows you to get more nutrients than eating commercially grown fruits and veggies. This is due to the quality of the soil and the care that the product receives.
Fruits and vegetables are meant to be full of vitamins and nutrients, but commercially produced versions lack a lot of the vitamins and minerals they are meant to contain. When we cook with healthy ingredients, we expect the food we eat to be good for us. But if they aren’t organically sourced, then they may not be.
Protect the environment
Organic farming is eco-friendly and helps to support the environment. Protecting the environment from the use of pesticides keeps the soil healthy, allowing produce to get all the vitamins and minerals it needs.
It doesn’t have to be expensive
One of the main things preventing many people from going organic is the cost, but if you know what you are doing, eating organic foods don’t have to be expensive.
There are plenty of easy ways you can make organic eating cheaper, with one of the best options being to grow your own organic produce. It might sound like a lot of work, but it is actually much easier than you think.
To start growing your own fruits and vegetables, all you need to do is invest in some seeds or seedlings and get digging and planting. While growing vegetables from seeds are the best option, for fruit trees, it is best to buy them partially grown.
To get your hands on some organic blackcurrant bushes for sale or organic apple or pear trees, visit your local garden centre or nursery. Think about what fruits you want to grow before you go so that you know what you are looking for.
Better taste
Due to the chemicals sprayed on non-organic fruits and vegetables, they often lack taste and can be somewhat bland. Whereas organic vegetables have much more flavour and are more enjoyable to eat and cook with.
There are many benefits of choosing to go organic, but the main benefit, is, of course, the lack of pesticides on the produce.

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