Technology is everywhere, literally. The advancements in it are changing every facet of life. Smartphones, the internet, and laptops have made us connect to the outside world with just one click.
And what if we tell you that technology is making its mark in the religious world as well? Yes, you read that right. With online sermons and virtual holy texts, it’s easier and more convenient for people to keep up with their religious routine.
In fact, during the Covid-19 pandemic, when everything and everyone had to suffer the imposed lockdown, technology was the one thing that kept people sane and connected to each other. All the religious places were closed in order to limit and prevent the spread of the nasty virus. But does that mean people stopped going to church and stopped worshipping god? Obviously not! Here’s how technology is helping the worshippers to keep up with their routines.
Let’s get started!
“Online church” is the future.
As mentioned earlier in the article, recently, due to the pandemic, all the churches had to shut their doors to limit the spread of the virus. And now that everyone is trying to adapt to the new normal, people are still avoiding going to crowded places due to the danger of coming in contact with the virus.
And that’s where the “online church” came to the rescue of fellow worshippers. The sermoners connect the worshippers and carry out the service as usual. The only difference is that everything is virtual and online. There are numerous pros of attending an online church.
Plus, the best part of attending the online church is that you can connect and get to it anytime you want. Also, it gives the option to speak to the Core Members where you can actually request one on one counsel during the service. Isn’t that amazing? Now, you don’t have to worry about disturbing anyone during the service.

Live sermons on the radio are trending.
How many of you like listening to live sermons delivered by experts? Well, you’ll be surprised to know that there are experts out there who deliver passionate, inspiring, and authentic live sermons. And you can listen to them with the help of the radio just by sitting at home. Isn’t that really convenient? Also, these experts tackle even the hardest and most controversial questions asked about God.
Finding the meanings of the verses is easier than ever.
There are times when you might find yourself stuck while reading the Holy Bible. And that’s okay. Not everyone knows how to decrypt the holy scriptures and texts. But thanks to the internet and the online world, finding the meaning of those verses is easier than ever. This is because many already decoded them and put them on the internet for people like you to understand them and pass them on to fellow believers. Now, you don’t have to bother the pastor to decode the holy text.

The final words!
Religious routine and worshipping god is the one thing that keeps us sane and helps us not to follow the wrong path. It’s the spiritual connection everyone needs and should have with the supreme power.
So, use the technology to its fullest and encourage yourself and your family members to keep up with the routine. Amen!

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