Not sure about you, but I used to (and sometimes still do) save my favourite things for special occasions. I thought saving them made them more special.
However, over the years, I’ve barely ever got around to enjoy my favourite things, because I had all of the other ‘everyday things’ I owned and used. Eventually, it got to a place where it simply got too much and not to forget too overwhelming.
It was too much…
- to take care of – I mean seriously; how much stuff do two people need?
- to think about – it was stuff (nicely packed away) everywhere
- to enjoy and appreciate as most of my favourite things were in cupboards, boxes, display cabinets
Back in 2013, I received a gorgeous silk whool blanket, I immediately put it away with intention to save it until I buy my own place and guess what? Years has gone by and I haven’t bought my own property – I am still renting. But you know what? Whilst on my self-discovery journey, I realised that wherever I live – is my Home, my property – even if I am renting. So I finally took out my expensive blanket…. Yay!
After decades of accumulating stuff and things (as I was brought up with the terminology of ‘the more I had, the happier I would be’), I kind of forgot about my favourite things – what they were and where they were.
Over the years, I’ve grown, evolved and changed (like we all do) and so has my needs, wants and taste – and most importantly; knowing and accepting the difference between what I need and want.
There has been times where I’ve given away brand new things (which I once loved) to charity because I saved them for a special time and when that special time finally came, those things didn’t bring the same spark and joy like they once did.
If you’ve been following me, you’ll know that I’ve spent most of 2018 de-cluttering, downsizing, letting go of things, simplifying my life and most importantly; changing my mindset. After selling and donating the majority of our excessive stuff, we are now left with things we love and things that brings us joy = our favourite things ♡
“The best way to enjoy your favourite things every day is to only own your favourite things.”
We all know that the best things aren’t things, but do you know that less is not nothing? We do need some things in our day to day life – it brings a certain ‘Je ne Sais Quoi‘. Getting rid of the clutter, and things you don’t use or love provides space to discover what you really want and need, and the time you deserve to truly enjoy and appreciate it.
Over to You…
Take a look at the things in your life, the things you use every day. Are they your favourite? Do they bring you joy?
Download your copy of my De-cluttering Calendar

*Don’t forget to download my #FREE Lifestyle APP Live a Well-Designed Life
I have always been worried that things I love that were given to me would be ruined or broken (have a child) but after reading this I feel it would make more sense to use them until they did break or wear out or whatever! They aren’t helping me or inhancing my life in a box! Good read and great points!
Thank you! I am still learning to let go of old habits and use my things now while I still love them and let them bring happiness and serve their purpose now than months (or years) from now when they won’t mean the same anymore.
I agree with the fact that we all change and so do our needs. That’s why something we really desired in the past no longer seems so special or appealing.
Great post!
Thank you Norma. Life is about growing, evolving and changing and most importantly; living fully in the moment – as that is all we have.
I definitely need to do this!! Great idea! ?
Thank you Julianne. Would love to know how it goes 🙂