Health and safety come first; that is why you must have a first aid kit in your home. In fact, not only in your home, you should have it with you all the time- in your car, office desk and a smaller one in your bag.
Understand that emergency situations don’t always come with a warning. Life is often unpredictable. Thus, you should always stay prepared. And one of the easiest ways to do so is by having a first aid kit in access.
Nonetheless, what items you have stored in the kit is also equally important. A well-stocked box will ensure that you don’t have to run to the drug store to get the necessary supply in case of an emergency.
So, take a look at the essential items that you must have in the First Aid Kit.
Items To Clean The Wound And Basic Medicines
It will include alcohol-free cleansing wipes, antiseptic cream, and distilled water for cleaning wounds. Besides that, you should have cotton pads or balls, scissors, tweezers, safety pins, and disposable sterile gloves. These items will ensure that the wound is cleaned in the best possible way.
Also, you should have painkillers and medicines for cold and fever. In case you or your family member have any allergies, you should have its medicines as well.

Items To Cover The Injury
Whether the injury is minor or very big, it is essential to cover it to prevent infection. Therefore, you must include supplies such as 2 sterile eye dressings, sticky tape, plasters in various sizes and shapes, and bandages. For bandages, you should use one that contains honey, like manuka honey bandages from, as it has quick healing properties. Moreover, it effectively saturates wounds and supports new tissue formation. However, if the bleeding is hefty, you may need something stronger. Bleeding that won’t stop may need a tourniquet, but if the bleed is not on a limb, you may need a NuStat 4×4 dressing instead.

Emergency Contact Numbers
Last but not least, you should include in the kit a list of emergency contacts. The list should include the emergency service number, your family members’ contact details, and that of your doctors too. It will ensure that healthcare service reaches you in time. Moreover, your family members will also be by your side. Also, keep an emergency first aid guide in the box.
How To Store The Box? The box must be stored in a cool and dry place. Especially away from the reach of kids, but not too far. Also, you should tell your kids about the location of the kit so that in an emergency, they can grab it.
Besides that, you must also check the expiration date of the tubes and medicines stored. It should be done every month. So, you can set a reminder for that.

To Sum It All Up!
All the items will ensure that the injury is properly cleaned and covered. In addition to this, if you have kids at home, you should teach them how to use the kit and whom to contact in case of emergency.
Also, to ensure that you have a kit within your reach all the time, it would be better to create multiple small boxes and store them well. Plus, remember to restock everything every month.

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