Today celebrates International Women’s Day! It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women’s Day (IWD) has occurred for well over a century, with the first March 8 IWD gathering supported by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Prior to this the Socialist Party of America, the United Kingdom’s Suffragists and Suffragettes, and further groups campaigned for women’s equality. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not a country, group or organisation specific. Make IWD your day! – every day!
6 Inspirational Women in their #BlissfulForties
Elizabeth Assaf
The biggest change I noticed when I turned 40 was…I think turning 40 was empowering. I was so scared of the actual day but found that I felt strong, established and very confident when it finally came. I feel that I walk around less worried about what other people think and exceptionally happier. I put this down to knowing myself better and understanding what it takes to be happy and content. I also feel like I have years of experience dealing with difficult situations so what more can the world threw at me that is any worse!!?? I also discovered that it’s all in your mind anyway, the actual number means nothing!
Catherine Gladwyn
The biggest change I noticed when I turned 40 was… I felt more relaxed about everything. I got rid of some people who weren’t enhancing my life. I didn’t stress so much about everything from keeping the house clean to responding to text messages from friends immediately. Actually, now I’ve written it down, I guess I became a little selfish, but if I don’t do it now, when will I?
Beth Shankle Anderson
The biggest change I noticed when I turned 40 was… my confidence growing beyond that of my 30s and especially my 20s.
Daisy White Biog
The biggest change I noticed when I turned forty was… Confidence! Initially, I felt awful, and really low about being ‘old’, as my kids put it. But now I feel amazing. little things don’t bother me, and my writing career has taken off. My ninth novel is out Jan 30th – Before I Found You (Joffe Books) and I finally have the confidence to say, ‘I am an author’.
Ruth Kudzi
The biggest change I noticed when I turned 40 was… I no longer doubted the fact I would fulfil my dreams.
Michelle Reeves
The biggest change I noticed when I turned 40 was… becoming a mama again! My son, Sebastian, was born just before my 40th birthday and having a newborn again was a blessing and a challenge rolled into one gorgeous bundle. You see, after the traumatic premature birth of our daughter in China three years earlier, we thought we couldn’t have any more children. Imagine my surprise and delight discovering I was seven weeks pregnant. In my fourth decade, I’ve grown into my skin, with a welcome clarity of purpose, direction and passion. And now five years on, with a growing business, a publishing contract and two children under nine, there are certainly days when I struggle to fit everything in, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

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