Creating an outdoor space that your children actively enjoy spending time in can be a rewarding family project. When designing a family-friendly garden, it’s important to consider your kids’ interests and incorporate interactive elements that will engage their natural curiosity. Follow these tips to transform your garden into a place your kids can’t wait to explore.

How to Design a Garden Your Kids Will love

Get Their Input

Start by talking to your children about what types of activities they’d like to be able to do outside. Would they enjoy having space to kick a football around, or are they more interested in a dedicated area for outdoor art projects? Older children can help map out design ideas, while younger kids may have suggestions after being prompted with ideas like water play stations or secret hiding spots. Getting your kids’ perspectives from the start will ensure the finished garden reflects their preferences.

Focus on Greenery

Kids respond positively to natural elements like trees, flowering plants, and wildlife. Plan garden beds they can dig in to learn about getting their hands dirty, and place bird feeders and insect hotels around the space so they can observe nature up close. Let them each pick out a plant to nurture and make their own. The sensory experience of interacting with living things sparks curiosity.

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Create Comfortable Lounging Areas

Incorporating comfortable seating options is another way to make your garden more enjoyable for kids and adults. Consider adding cushions for sun loungers where you can relax while keeping an eye on your little ones. These cushions provide comfort and add a pop of colour and style to your garden. By creating designated areas for relaxation, your garden becomes a versatile space that accommodates various activities, from energetic play to peaceful downtime.

Incorporate Interactive Elements

Turn chores like watering plants into play by installing rain barrel stations children can use to redirect water flow. Introduce structures like raised vegetable beds, letting kids track the lifecycle of the plants they’ve grown from seed. Paint a chalk wall for drawing masterpieces and use strings of outdoor fairy lights to encourage evening adventures. Places to splash, build, paint, and create make the garden an extension of indoor play.

Build a Treehouse

What child wouldn’t love having their own secret hideout in the form of a treehouse? Building a basic platform in a large tree or constructing a small playhouse on stilts over a deck or grass provides a special retreat. Make sure to use properly treated wood, anchor it securely, and teach your children safety rules – then let their imaginations run wild. A treehouse draws kids outside and gives them ownership of the space. Note that you may need planning permission for a treehouse; you can read more by visiting the linked page.

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Add Special Touches

Include personalised details that make the garden Their Place. Paint a hopscotch course with their names, display art they’ve made on the fence, and have a plaque made announcing the opening of “[Child’s Name]’s Garden.” Things like wind chimes they can decorate, a bird table they helped build, or a miniature water feature with their favourite animals incorporated add delightful details. Seeing their identity reflected boosts enjoyment.

The key is involving your kids so that they feel invested in the outdoor areas you create together. Gardens that give them room to actively explore and engage their interests provide physical and mental stimulation. Don’t be afraid to give them space to get muddy, noisy, or even lead their own small gardening projects. The experiences you facilitate now can spark a lifelong love of nature. Follow their inspiration and let your children guide you toward a garden they’ll genuinely appreciate.

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