Woke up this morning to not feeling well and myself this morning; weak, tired and exhausted so I decided to take the day off to nurture my body, mind and spirit.
The old me would have ignored this and just got on with my day and my never-ending to-do list, but the current me – whom I have been getting to know more, whom I listen to and tune in to need some time off to just be.
It’s important to check in with yourself daily ♡ Slow down, rest, do whatever that makes you feel alive, happy and sparks joy. NOW is all you have, LIVE IT ♡
So I decided to sit down with a cup of hot lemon water in my favourite mug and enjoy the quietness. Then an idea popped into my head, create a new category on my blog; ‘A Day in My Life…‘ and here we are ♡
In this space, I will be sharing my daily life – whatever I am up to, how I feel, the good, the not so good – simply my life.

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