With the New Year here, it’s a perfect time of year to reflect on the past 12 months and plan for a happy and fulfilling year ahead. Do you believe it’s possible to make the coming year the best year yet? Well, now is the perfect time to plan 2020!
My top 5 tips to create your best year yet:
1. Reflect on the year that was
Take a few moments to look back on your year. Where did you experience the most joy or satisfaction? What areas of your life not working so well? What life lessons did you learn and what did you discover about yourself?
DOWNLOAD: Reflect & Review Worksheet
2. Get in touch with who you are
In order to live a happy and fulfilling life, you need to get in touch with what you value, what you desire, what you are passionate about, and what your gifts or strengths are – this allows you to set goals that feel right to your soul.
3. Create a vision for your life
Having a vision for your life, in my opinion, is essential – it gives you a sense of purpose, a sense of ownership. Write down what you would love your life to look like in key life areas, like love and relationships, career and contribution, wealth and lifestyle, health and well-being, learning and creativity, and soul or spirituality.
4. Set your top goals with actionable steps
Take your vision and choose your top goals or priorities for the year ahead. What would make the biggest impact on your life? What excites you the most?
Make sure you are committed to your goals and know why you want to achieve them in the first place; how will it benefit or change your life? Once you’ve gained clarity over what you want to achieve, break it down into small, actionable and achievable steps.
5. Choose a new habit to add to your routine
Reflect on your daily habits and routines. Are they serving you? What is one small positive habit you can add to your routine to set you up for success? For example Meditation, journaling, yoga, doing a monthly review of all the highlights and all that you have achieved etc.
I am currently working on creating a new mindful morning and evening ritual. I must admit its hard, but I know it’s going to be life-changing in the long run – it’s all about personal mastery right? And also, I am pretty sure you’ve heard the saying; ‘We become what we repeatedly do’?
DOWNLOAD: Ideal Day Planner
But most importantly:
Live thankful life! Every day is a beautiful gift filled with beauty, blessings and magic. Happiness is a mindset and a state of being that you cultivate through gratitude and enjoying your life now. And when you learn to appreciate and enjoy this very moment, you will have more energy and inspiration to achieve your biggest goals and dreams.

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