You have a say in your life. What comes into our cupboards and closets, what goes into our bodies, the people with whom we spend our free time, the gifts we give, how we worship, the thoughts we focus on. Clutter is a choice. Anger is a choice. Resentment is a choice. But so are spaciousness, flexibility, laughter, compassion, tenderness, and resilience.
Choosing to lean into the feelings you most want to feel is one of the most powerful things you can do with your life. The Desire Map workshops, based on the best seller by Danielle LaPorte, take your through that process. As a Desire Map facilitator, I take you on a guided experience to discover the way you most want to feel and set goals and intention based on those feelings. More ease. Less striving. All pleasure.
If this process resonates with you but you want to know more about it, I totally got you covered. I am hosting a Lifestyle Rejuvenation for people to get a taste test of the Desire Mapping experience. I’d love for you to join me.
I know you’ll love it, because you’ll begin to feel the way you want to feel more often than not. Decisions will be easier to make. You’ll know when to say “No, Thank you” and “Hell Yes!” You’ll be more optimistic, more open-hearted. Your life will ease up on the grinding and and fill up with more…ease.
I know that you are destined to feel fulfilled and realise your full potential. You are here to design a life that feels good: when you wake up, when you go to work, when you cook dinner, create something, spend time with your loved one. The Desire Map has radically changed the way I live my life, and I am so thrilled to share this experience with you.

*Don’t forget to download my #FREE Lifestyle APP Live a Well-Designed Life