“I am a big fan of people getting together and celebrating life.” ~ Ellen Degeneres
Remember the good old school days, when you had to request your parents for a sleepover at your friend’s house? How you and your friends use to plan out excuses just so you guys can spend some time together after school. After all, it’s just about creating unforgettable and crazy memories, right?
Reality check!
Now that you are all grown up, you rarely get time to spend with your friend. That’s why it’s essential that you make the best out of these rare moments. How?
Well, here’s the list of 8 amazing and super fun activities that’ll make your slumber party a hit. So, what’s the wait for? Scroll down to discover!
Activity 1: Revive The Childhood With A Blanket Fort
Can a slumber party really be a slumber party if you don’t build a blanket fort? NO! Therefore, make some space in your living room or bedroom. Get all the blankets that you have. If required, you can also ask your friends to bring their own blankets. Collect all the pillows, even the cushions, and be ready to build a fort.
To make it more fun, you can set a time limit to complete the fort or add some rules. For instance, you can create different teams or build a fort using only one hand. Nonetheless, make sure that nobody gets hurt while playing.
Activity 2: Turn The Fun Night Into Spooky With Horror Movie Marathon
You don’t need to wait for Halloween to feel the chill of ghosts and scary stories. You can also do that by organizing a secret horror movie marathon. Set up the living room with cushions, pillows, a blanket, and popcorn. Get a white sheet and a projector. Connect it to the laptop and turn off all the lights.
Here comes the best part! After all the setup, just wait for your friends to realize that it’s not a rom-com or action movie and enjoy their reactions. If you want, you can also involve your two or more friends to prank others.
P.S. Don’t go overboard with spookiness.
Activity 3: Get Crafty With Handmade Bracelets
Another fun thing that you can do is to get crafty. You can create those cute handmade friendship bracelets that you once saw on your social media feed. It’ll be a very sweet way to express to your friends how grateful you feel to have them in your life. Moreover, art and crafts are also an amazing way to destress.
Make sure to get all the necessary supplies; colourful threads, needles, glue guns, buttons, and much more. In addition to this, you should prepare a first-aid kit, especially if you have clumsy friends around.
Activity 4: Get Competitive With A Volleyball Match In The Pool
If you have a pool in your house, you have to include a pool game to make the party thrilling. One of the classic games that you can play is volleyball. Make two teams, jump into the pool and be prepared to get soaked with water and have fun.
However, before you do that, make sure that your pool is clean. Also, look for some pool sales and maintenance programs to get easy hands on the required chemicals, equipment, and pool toys. Moreover, the maintenance programs will also ensure that your swimming pool is always clean and ready. It’s also a great option if your friends have the habit of paying for surprise visits.
Activity 5: Snap Some Insta-Worthy Moments With Photobooth
Every group of friends has that one person who is blessed with excellent photography skills. So, it’s your responsibility to put those skills to use by creating a photo booth. Clean a room to transform it into a photo booth, set up the lighting, and arrange all the props. If you want, you can also throw a themed party and make the arrangements for the photo booth accordingly.
That’s all! Now you and your friends can enjoy a great photo session. Not to forget, you can spend the rest of the time selecting Insta-worthy moments for each other.

Activity 6: Sing Those Friendship Songs With At-home Karaoke
If your group is filled with music enthusiasts, organizing an at-home karaoke would be perfect for them. Create a list of songs that you used to sing during high school, as well as their recent favourite song. Don’t forget to arrange the mic and karaoke machine.
In case you can’t get a karaoke machine, you can take some help from YouTube as well. There are plenty of Karaoke songs that you can sing and connect to.
Activity 7: Spill The Tea With Truth And Dare
If you guys are meeting after several months, there must be thousands of things that you need to talk about. However, meeting and chatting are a bit boring. To spice things up a little, you can play the classic truth-and-dare game. It’s a go-to ice-breaker game and will make your party a night to remember.
Note: If you don’t want to play truth or dare, you can also go with “never have I ever.” It’ll also help you connect with each other and learn something new about each other.
Activity 8: Skip The Dine Out With Home-Baked Cookies
Last but not least, you can put your cooking skills to the test by baking some cookies. Nonetheless, make sure you have all the ingredients and supplies at home. If not, then it’ll spoil the whole fun. Cooking together is a great way to bond. Also, this way, you all will eat something else and save some money.
Instead of baking, you can also try BBQ. Furthermore, you can also plan a BBQ while spending time by the pool. (It’ll also make you a great host.)

Wrapping it up! These are some of the fun things you can do at the party and make it a big success. Keep in mind that it is all about creating nights that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. So, design a party flyer, invite your friends over and have a blast!

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