We’re all connected 24/7. Selfies, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Blogging, getting just the right angle, taking the perfect photo, documenting and recording everything. Why? Even with all that connectivity, something’s missing isn’t it? It still feels like we’re disconnected. How can that be? Because we’re not connected with nature.

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Nature is good for us. There’s plenty of evidence that exposure to nature is good for people’s health, well-being and happiness – being outside in nature makes us feel more alive!

Nothing puts life into perspective more than being disconnected and watching nature. The more I do it, the more I love and appreciate it. Walking in the woods, watching the birds, and listening to the sounds of Mother Nature is pure bliss and not to forget therapeutic.

When I’m spending time with nature, just about everything else melts away. This is especially true for anything having to do with the digital world. Connecting with nature allows me to realise that life isn’t all about me. Being disconnected from everything and walking alone in the woods makes me feel small in a good way. Putting down the devices, disconnecting from social media, and taking a few moments each day allows me to feel grounded, real, and connected in more ways than I ever dreamed.

You see, it’s only the last couple of years I started enjoying quiet and solitude, and the older I get the more I realise how important it is to spend time alone with myself and my thoughts. Connecting with Nature improves my physical and mental health – an immediate drop in blood pressure, calmness over body and mind, improved sleep, and improved outlook on life are just a few of the immediate effects of spending time with nature.

“It’s time to reconnect with nature and the five sacred elements, so we can live a more balanced, fulfilling, and healthy lifestyle.”

Here are some tips on reconnecting with the five sacred elements:


It seems obvious that we should want to breathe clean air. Yet, few of us realise what we’re even breathing. I am often immersed in a feeling of ecstasy as I inhaled the air from the woods, leaving me with a sense of calm, and stillness.


Living in the countryside of Hertfordshire, surrounded by a river and a canal right on my doorstep has given me a completely new perspective on the importance of water.


Many of us have simply forgotten or never learned how to build a fire – I always struggled to light up the fireplace at my parent’s house. That being said, I must admit that the burning fire has a soothing and cathartic effect, allowing us to let go of any unwanted feelings, emotions, or stress.


Earthing is about taking a moment — several minutes or hours — and allowing ourselves to “ground-down” and surrender into the Earth. I love walking and have set myself a goal of walking a minimum of 20000 steps every day – and I absolutely love it. However, I would love to walk bare feet on the grass (but am a bit creeped out about what I might be stepping on). My Mum used to go to the local park every morning and walk barefoot for hours.


Ether is the mysterious and intangible “Fifth Element.” Ether may be described as a sound or vibration, but for each person, it is something different, something more or less “unseen”. Ether is the subtle culmination of all the elements. It allows us to tap into a current of consciousness, creativity, and limitless potential.

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