It’s not always easy to understand what people mean when they talk about therapy. For the uninitiated, therapy might seem like a place you go to to have strange psychological practices performed upon you, that for a certain fee you’ll be able to resolve whatever subject is troubling you within a few sessions.
Of course, therapy, like the people it intends to help, is complex. Moreover, it can take many forms. Talk therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy are common among those hoping to learn new thought patterns to focus on the future. Some alternatives, like exposure therapy, are designed to help someone overcome a fear or struggle, like learning how to cope with feelings of claustrophobia.
To get the most out of therapy, it’s good to understand what it is. That means understanding what it isn’t. In this post, we hope to explore three faulty assumptions most people have about therapy and soothe your perspective before you book your session.
Faulty Assumption 1: Therapy Is About Vague Solutions
It’s easy to think of therapy as this somewhat vague meeting in which you express yourself and are given searching questions in response. But it’s not just about someone sitting in a chair and listening (it can be that), it also involves specific techniques and practical tools to handle real situations. A therapist might help someone develop actual strategies for managing anxiety at work, or give them homework to practice new communication skills with family members. There’s usually structure to it, even if that structure feels natural and conversational, and even talk therapy is the art of structuring your feelings into real sentences, which helps.

Faulty Assumption 2: Therapy Is A Lifelong Process
Some folks avoid therapy because they worry they’ll need to go forever and pay out of pocket for all of it. Therapy can be as short as a few sessions for specific issues too. Many people go for a while, learn what they need, and move on with their lives. Others might return during particularly stressful times, like after a breakup or job loss. Some people do choose longer-term therapy, but that’s their choice, not a requirement, unless given a direct medical prescription you can come and go at your own pace. This means the length depends on what someone wants to work on and how they respond to the process.

Fault Assumption 3: Psychology & Psychiatry Are The Same
Psychology and psychiatry sound similar but do different jobs with different techniques and outcomes. Psychologists generally focus on therapy and counselling, helping people work through their thoughts and behaviours. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can prescribe medication when needed. Some people see both, maybe visiting a psychiatrist for medication while working with a therapist on coping strategies. Both fields matter in mental health care and will often help to curate a more complete treatment plan in some cases, but they serve different roles in helping people feel better. So if you’re looking for therapy, finding the best psychologist you can is important.
With this advice, we hope you can avoid some of the most common and faulty assumptions people have about the practice.

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